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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79

The 16th International Exhibition of civil shipbuilding, navigation, ports operation and ocean and shelf development NEVA in Saint-Petersburg.

Guests of the exhibition had an opportunity to familiarize with the product line of anchor-mooring equipment KRON that consists of over 20 units, including windlasses, cable drums, chain attachment units, capstan winches and, of course, winches of different type and application.

Complex supplies of marine and industrial equipment

Kronstadt Engineering Company offers the very best industrial and marine equipment from leading global manufacturers. We are happy to welcome you to our website, where we always stay ready to give you professional guidance in searching, designing, and choosing the equipment you need. Our mission is to help in modernization of industrial facilities in Russia and CIS by supplying advanced and high-quality technical solutions. In close cooperation with Russia's leading design bureaus, we are able to provide full scope of services including turnkey projects. Kronstadt Engineering Company is a member of Association of builders and is allowed to participate in projects of capital construction. Acting as a general contractor, we design equipment units by ourselves. This demonstrates high rank of the company, which has been repeatedly confirmed by many projects where our specialists designed the equipment and technological processes.

Engineering Company:

expert of integrated solutions!

Since 1998, our specialists have been participating in technical support of major shipbuilding and oil development projects and suppling them with state-of-the-art and high-performance equipment. As of today, Kronstadt Engineering Company is a real 'workshop' of complex industrial solutions that manages most difficult projects at all stages, from elaborating of documents to installation of the customer's equipment on site.

Our customers:

With more than 20 years of experience, we have built a sizeable portfolio of different projects, many of which are of extreme importance to their industries. Our customers include shipbuilders, ports, oil-and gas companies, and general industrial factories. Every year, our stock list and volume of supplies comprise hundreds of positions, and among our clients, one can easily find industrial leaders we have been doing business with for many years. Upon your request, the company's managers will readily send you a reference list containing information on supplies for the industry of your interest, such as shipbuilding, oil and gas development, energy sector, and so on.

  • Газпом-Нефть
  • РосМорПорт
  • РосНефть
  • Genersl Motors
  • Лукойл
  • Евраз
  • Нестле
  • Пелла
  • Красное Сормово
  • РусАл
  • Транснефть
  • Усть-Луга
  • Несте
  • НМТП

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